
Core Reflection

What are three new things you have learnt about yourself and your ego as a result of the core learning?

  • That my emotions are a strength and shouldn't limit me, they can also guide
  • I know now I can learn hard things with alot of focus and practice
  • Learning to get in different mindframes and zones can help me be more productive
  • What are the role of values, empathy, and self awareness in learning and programming?

    Having core values is important in recognizing what drives you to do the things you want to achieve as you will follow through with them throughout your life with your work. Having empathy is a good starting process to have when analysing situations instead of having bad reactions. Being self-aware through of all of this is the best way in managing yourself through life and work. It is the key thing to true happiness and you never stop learning.

    What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

    What surprised me the most about learning core is that when you really internalize everything in your head and process it properly it is helpful in understanding how you can achieve something, you just need to put in the work and effort. You need to have the right mind frame to be able to set out what you want to achieve.

    What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

    Diving into myself and trying to understand alot of what I'm feeling and then trying to articulate and communicate what I've found. It can get very time consuming trying to process it all, while trying new things and facing tough challenges. Having to flip from using different parts of your brain with tech and core exercises, then learning to use these different parts all at once. Actually trying to practice these methods while still being new to them.

    Why do you think that we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

    I think because maintaining a healthy mental and emotional well-being is important when you're facing this type of technical work. Any work in general where you have to work with others and in a team takes alot of human skills and make for better productive work environments. The mental processing involved in programming is alot and is good to have a support system to keep you on your goal.

    Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practise programming instead? Justify your answer.

    I think it has been the most helpful! I don't think I would have properly progressed in learning all the technical stuff without having the time to reflect and process everything else. The frustration would have taken over, I think it's extremely important to reflect and process what you're learning to actually learn from it. This process of learning should be in all types of schools and tertiary, it would have made all my other previous studies more successful and worth it.